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3 Ways Preventative Maintenance Can Increase Your Vehicles Life

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Preventative Car Maintenance Can Be Extremely Beneficial

Every car owner understands that their vehicle needs to undergo preventative maintenance at regular intervals throughout its life. Such maintenance can keep the car operating efficiently and is essential for the safety of the vehicle, the driver, and the driving public. However, people sometimes do not bring their vehicles in for preventative maintenance because they are too busy or because such measures cost money. However, preventative maintenance has numerous advantages, and all car owners should bring their cars in for maintenance at regular intervals.

Long-Term Costs Savings

Preventative maintenance can save a car owner substantial money in the long run. Of course, car owners must spend a modest amount of money to complete an oil change, tyre rotation, or other maintenance measures required for a vehicle. However, the modest amount spent on maintenance is nothing compared to the severe damage a car can sustain without maintenance.

For instance, if tyres are not correctly rotated, a tyre could blow out while it is being used. This might require the car owner to pay to replace the tyre and the labour needed to tow the car to a mechanic and complete the replacement. In addition, without an oil change, a vehicle may have issues with its engine. Engine repairs are typically far more expensive than merely changing the oil on a car. In most instances, preventative maintenance only needs to be performed a few times a year, and the modest cost and inconvenience of preventative maintenance can save a car owner substantial sums of money in the long run.


Preventative maintenance is also essential for promoting the safety of the driver, passengers in the affected car, and the driving public. If preventative measures are not taken, it is far more likely that a car will break down at some point or another while on the road. This means the driver will likely need to exit the vehicle, which may occur on a busy, unsafe road. In addition, if the car breaks down while in motion, it may be difficult for the driver to safely slow down to a complete stop. Moreover, some breakdowns may make it impossible to control the car, impairing everyone on the road.

Moreover, breakdowns can increase the possibility of car collisions. This is because other vehicles may hit an out-of-control car. Furthermore, motorists tend to look at cars that have broken down, which can lead to distracted driving and increase the likelihood of accidents. Preventative maintenance makes it far less likely that a vehicle will break down, and drivers can accordingly avoid the safety issues associated with a breakdown.

Convenience and Time-Saving

Although it may be inconvenient to take a car in for preventative maintenance, and this may cost a modest sum of money, this is far more preferable than a car breaking down. For instance, if a vehicle breaks down in the middle of a trip, it is unlikely that the driver will be able to reach their destination on time. Moreover, the driver must call a tow truck to tow the car to a mechanic, which will cost time and money. In addition, if a car breaks down, the driver will be without a vehicle for however long it takes to repair the car. To avoid interruptions, car owners must regularly bring their vehicles in for preventative maintenance.

AAA-approved Kadotani Auto Repair in Watsonville is experienced with preventative maintenance measures for all kinds of cars. To schedule a preventative maintenance appointment, please contact Kadotani Auto Repair today.

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